Moog News: Little Phatty Stage Edition and Weird (Unofficial) Ads

Moog unveils the limited edition Tribute’s successor. It’s the last call on the Moog Little Phatty Tribute Edition, the beautiful limited edition release of Moog Music’s latest synth. Moog Music president Mike Adams says, “We are completely sold out and my understanding is that only a few dealers have the Tribute Editions available.” I’m not […]

After Effects Expressions Blog: Want Some Programming With That Motion Design?

I’m always amazed when I meet After Effects users who don’t know about or utilize expressions. I’m no scripting guru, but the few expression tricks I know get used constantly. A couple of simple expressions are extremely useful for visualists, allowing you to quickly pump out incremental clips by just changing slider values. The creatively […]

Enough with Smart-Mouthed Mac Advocates on Vista! What We Really Want to Know…

I can’t take it any more. In one corner, we have PC pundits negatively reviewing Apple’s possibly-upcoming iPhone weeks before it’s announced — reviewing a product they know nothing about that may not even exist. (Incidentally, Microsoft’s new MadeUp Pro 2007 Edition — total crap. So is the new Imaginesoft NeverNeverLand iMadeUp Express.) And in […]

Gift Idea: $30 mi Jam Toy Scratch Mixer, Toy Interactive Sound Sculpture Beg to Be Abused

The problem with iPod DJ mixers? They’re generally pointless toys that are a poor substitute for real DJ gear. The wonderful thing about iPod DJ mixers that actually are intended as pointless toys that are a poor substitute for real DJ gear? For only US$30 or so (check Froogle for some last-minute deals), you can […]

Can You Tell Hair Care Logos from Audio Software Logos?

We know you readers range from newcomers just trying to navigate the soup of music software product names to senior product managers at music software companies, Microsoft, and Apple. I’ll bet very few of you in any of those categories can get all of these right: ridiculous_fish: Hair care! / Digital Audio! Maybe they hire […]

Intel Mac Musicians Get Some Holiday Love: Universal Binaries Everywhere

There’s nothing worse than owning a shiny, new MacBook and discovering you can’t run music software you want to run. “All I want for Christmas” (or Hannukah, too, as these are just in time) “is a Universal Binary.” Good news: my inbox continues to report incoming Intel-native plug-ins and instruments. XO Wave, pictured at right, […]

Controlling Ableton Live with Nintendo Wii Wiimote; New Wii Resources

This didn’t take long. Someone has already begun using the Wii controller to trigger samples and settings in Ableton Live. (Thanks, Johan Larsby — happy holidays to you, too!) One-handed, wireless DJing is born: The wiili server is back, so that Wiki is your best source for how-to information. In this case, what we’re seeing […]

Backspace Episode 2: "Stimulating" Video Podcast from One Man After Effects Band

Has it really been 2 months since episode 1 of Steven Watkins‘ Backspace podcast was released? Episode 2 came out on Friday. It doesn’t quite recapture the ethereal feel and technical polish of that first episode, but it’s still very impressive work for a one-man band (showreel here). Previously: Interview with Stephen Watkins. Backspace Episode […]

Backspace Episode 2: "Stimulating" Video Podcast from One Man After Effects Band

Has it really been 2 months since episode 1 of Steven Watkins‘ Backspace podcast was released? Episode 2 came out on Friday. It doesn’t quite recapture the ethereal feel and technical polish of that first episode, but it’s still very impressive work for a one-man band (showreel here). Previously: Interview with Stephen Watkins. Backspace Episode […]

Backspace Episode 2: “Stimulating” Video Podcast from One Man After Effects Band

Has it really been 2 months since episode 1 of Steven Watkins‘ Backspace podcast was released? Episode 2 came out on Friday. It doesn’t quite recapture the ethereal feel and technical polish of that first episode, but it’s still very impressive work for a one-man band (showreel here). Previously: Interview with Stephen Watkins. Backspace Episode […]