In case you haven’t yet seen it make the rounds, the upcoming indie game Parallax deserves special aesthetic mention. A kind of monochromatic take on Portal, its slick, cool, understated world opens windows through space, producing inverse chromatic values that give cues to the overlaid spatial dimensions. It’s a glimpse of the kinds of visual worlds possible with digital rendering, and in a teaser trailer, at least, appears to be a minimal aesthetic triumph.

These spatial visual languages have suggestions for the world of live visuals, too — all the more so as projection mapping produces spatial illusions and 3D tends in new directions.

Toasty Games’ Parallax has been submitted to the 2012 IGF (Independent Games Festival).

Origin: Kingston, Canada

Platforms (via Facebook): “We are planning a PC and Mac release initially, and are considering other devices (iOS, Android, consoles) shortly after that.”

Interview: Parallax Devs on the Importance of Rifts, Dimensions, and Toast [DIY Gamer]

Profile: Parallax is a dizzying monochrome nightmare created by two people [Ars Technica]