An almost perfect example of some deep and subtle work with a flexible tool, creating magical results:

Ólafur Arnalds – Ljósið (Official Music Video) from Erased Tapes on Vimeo.

If you’ve spent any length of time with Particular, you’ll recognize this instantly. The look of the Spherical Field and spread lines of particles when the emitter moves quickly are unmistakable. Software quirks aside, this really is spectacular looking work for such a simple tool. The colour, depth of field and organic movement are truly beautiful, and it showcases Particular 2.0’s composition light shading to lovely effect.

The piece was originally created by Esteban Diacono as an animation test, using one of the tracks from Icelandic artist Ólafur ArnaldsFound Songs project, and was subsequently picked up as the official video for the track.

Esteban answered some questions about the production in the comments for his original piece:
It uses After Effects, Particular 2.0, and SoundKeys, with a smattering of Starglow.
The particles are standard particular Spheres and Cloudlets.
The cast shadows aren’t native to Particular, but are created as a separate layer, blurred and masked.
It took 11 hours to render at 720p on a Core2 Duo with 4GB RAM.