
Not to be out-geeked, it seems that while BT is stumbling around the command line, the community at Renoise have built a free tool around the archaic sound-mangling goodness of the now-available-for-free CDP (Composers Desktop Project).

For those of you just joining us – that’s a strange and wonderful tool that processes sound files into crazy distorted, morphed new forms in various ways.

The Renoise forum is all over this, having used Lua to code up a front end that makes processing files part of the workflow in Renoise. It’s … kind of incredible. Thank UK-based user afta8 and other forum members, and follow the discussion:

Idea, Now new Tool (3.0): CDP lua tool

I hear various people gripe about forum readers who they claim don’t make music. But here, it seems, people have invested time in building a tool that really does help them make music, coding time paying dividends in sonic creations, and then take extra time to support other people making music. I think that’s admirable, regardless of where you sit on the geek spectrum. And as BT demonstrated in the video, there’s no reason to fear different tools for sonic exploration, if you love sound.

I also wonder if BT might give Renoise a try now.