Since its official announcement in July, Resolume 3 has been causing excitement with its cross-platform, beatmatched, AV, VST-compatible next-level-ishness. Peter and I have had a great time playing with the private beta, but we know that the real capabilities of new software don’t appear until the public starts messing with it.

Public, it’s time to start messing!

Resolume Avenue 3 Getting Started from Bart van der Ploeg on Vimeo.

Resolume 3 is now also available for purchase: €299/€499/€649 for a 1/2/3 machine license (Mac and/or PC), with Resolume’s friendly update model which gives you all point release updates for free.

From the developers:

This is a beta because it has some rough edges and not all features have been implemented yet. We hope you can all have a look and let us know what bugs you find, we expect there will be some.

The main features that have not been implemented yet are Flash playback, audio FFT analysis and DMX support. But we are working on these features right now and they will be available as free updates.

We’ll have more to say about Avenue when we’ve had some time with this new version, but I want to keep as little text as possible between you and the software. So:
Download Resolume Avenue 3.
Feature Set.
Resolume 3 Manual.
Beta feedback on the forums.
