Resolume, the VJ app – now really a live visual and audiovisual tool – has turned ten. The developers this week look back at that landmark, and reveal the first-ever license owner, the Dutch VJ team Vision Impossible.

The original Resolume interface – now available as a free download.

They’re making the original Resolume 1.0 installer available. I’m tempted to drop this on my netbook and see if I can make it work under WINE. (Any tips, anyone?) But for most of us, 2004’s Resolume 2.0 is the more familiar face of the tool – you can fantasize about it running on a tablet, as in the mockup with the iPad below. If you’re on the Mac, you may not have seen it until Resolume 3’s rewrite (“Avenue.”)

Not real, but I betcha more than a few people wish it were. (Edwin? Bart? Thoughts?)

We’re blessed to have such mature live visual tools today, and the quality of work has accordingly improved alongside. If you’ve been waiting to invest in Resolume, now through May 27 is a great time – absolutely everything, from clips to licenses, even including educational pricing, is half-off.

More details on the Resolume blog:
10 Year Resolume Anniversary Sale! 50% Discount! [Resolume]

I’ve picked some favorite videos here to mark the occasion. Readers – favorite Resolume memories? Best Resolume showreels? Send them in. Now, I just have to mark my calendar for the birthdays of our other favorite live visual software.

From just three days ago – combining Quartz Composer mapping tools with Resolume Avenue:

Plus, how to get started: