In a new touring piece by an electrified audiovisual band, the musical score is data.

Space F!ght, off to tour London on Sunday, are a multi-media ensemble inspired by the greatest writers in science fiction. But science fact is the source of their latest piece, as they collaborate with the Stockholm Environment Institute and NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies to turn ozone data into the materials of their performance.

That data has a message, as ozone levels directly impact human health.

See the video at the top for a look at how the whole system works.


Dr. Radek Rudnicki, who mans the Elektron drum machines and works for the Stockholm Environment Institute, writes us with more:

I’m writing to you as I just finished USA East Coast tour with RPE Duo and about to do another one in UK with my audiovisual band Space F!ght. On both of these tours I’m sonifying NASA’s ozone data using Elektron MD and OT. Piece are made in collaboration with Stockholm Environment Institute and NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and show ozone’s impact on human health.
We are using 3D projection mapping for visualisation with the same datasets as for music scores.

Stockholm Environmental Institute describes more of the science end of all of this:
Music of the atmosphere

We also get to hear a bit from the upcoming Sci-FI EP Space F!ght is putting out:

Info on the tour – and a video teaser: