We have access to endlessly powerful music creation and sound synthesis software. So… why on this particular Friday is it more fun to make stupid sequences out of emoticons? Enjoy “thirtydollarhaircut.”

Yeah, okay.

It finally answers the question of what sequences would be like if they could be made out of Koopa Troopa shells, Minecraft bits, pizza slices, the Taco Bell logo, cats, hearts, Yoda, that character from Among Us, a crab, some shakers, and other ephemera. (It’s sort of … Discord come to life as a system of terrible music notation?)

You can actually chain fairly elaborate patterns thanks to the addition of action icons to set loop points, start position, and so on.

That can make some astonishing melodies:

Here – you weren’t doing anything important, were you?


And yeah, if you enjoyed this, you should go have more fun with the indie game whose sounds were, erm, “homaged” – it’s even on sale now on Steam (and also on Switch, evidently):

Rhythm Doctor [Steam]

Seven! Love the aesthetics:

And wow, that soundtrack:

Also, if you’re wondering where that “$30 haircut” line came from … well, I’m guessing from this clip that you’re supposed to root for the programmed redneck killer, because HELL yeah:

Major hat tip to my sister, partly just for being my sister generally but also specifically for sending me this.