It’s a huge disappointment: the best eye candy on earth causes blindness. And it’s a little hard to see, even as our closest star. Enter NASA, with the solution: the first-ever stereo three-dimensional images of the sun.

STEREO: First 3-D Images of the Sun

NASA’s Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) satellites have provided the first three-dimensional images of the sun. For the first time, scientists will be able to see structures in the sun’s atmosphere in three dimensions. The new view will greatly aid scientists’ ability to understand solar physics and there by improve space weather forecasting.

STEREO, baby!

You’ll need red-and-cyan glasses, which you can buy or make. (See NASA’s great guide to how this works and where to buy / how to make.) The good news: in addition to still images, there’s video, too. I dare you to make an all 3D set. And, clearly, if you do, you’ll need some NASA sun imagery in there. I mean, come on.

Has anyone tried the red-and-cyan approach with tools like Jitter and Processing? I’m working now with a system that doesn’t require the dual image, instead using 3D color mapping, which should be easier to apply to shaders. More soon. For now, enjoy the great hyrogen-helium fusion reactor that is the engine that gives us life.