Stewart Copeland, drummer for The Police and leading film composer (Wall Street, Pecker, many others) as well composer for ballet and opera, talks to Inside Mac Radio's Scott Shepard in an interview posted today. [ Show notes and downloadable MP3 ] Copeland was a keynote speaker at the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference, an appearance I wrote up for the February Keyboard Magazine.

Copeland's setup isn't all Mac: he uses a PC to run Tascam's Gigastudio sampling software, controlled from his primary G5 tower. He is, however, a longtime user of the Mac-only MOTU Digital Performer, joining other film composers like Howard Shore (Lord of the Rings Trilogy) and Don Davis (The Matrix
Trilogy). (All those names are likely to be very excited about new
scoring features in version 4.5 of the program aimed at them.) Copeland
told the crowd at O'Reilly he's moved to computer-programmed beats.