Waldorf has recreated the Microwave 1 wavetable synth in software

1989’s Waldorf Microwave is about to hit your DAW. And this isn’t just another plug-in emulation of some vintage gear. Waldorf has gone to great lengths to reproduce both the analog and digital sides of the original – and even built software that can act as an editor if you do have the original hardware.

Soundtoys 5 academic pricing is back, at $99 for 22 plug-ins

Hey students (and audio teachers): from SuperPlate to Decapitator, EchoBoy to Crystallizer, qualified academics can get the full Soundtoys 5 bundle for just US$99. That’s the first academic pricing on the bundle since 2018, but it’s only available for a limited time.

Peter Kirn - August 13, 2024

Minimal Audio’s Ripple Phaser: taking the phaser into the deep

Ripple Phaser, the latest Minimal Audio standalone effect, breaks free of modeling vintage hardware and lets you explore varied filtering and dispersion – all the way to the extreme.

Peter Kirn - July 30, 2024

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