Living Memory Software bring FoldR – Wave Folder Audio Unit

FoldR is a Wave Folder Audio Unit which is useful for for adding spice to synth leads and rhythmic, modulations turn drum loops into something new

This weekend’s BeatMaker 3 could change your mind about the iPad

BeatMaker 3 is set for release this weekend for the iPad. And it could win over more than just mobile die-hards. Here’s why:

Peter Kirn - July 13, 2017

Hologram plug-in re-synthesizes and mutates sound in real time

There are effects that provide subtle coloring, minor tweaks. And then there are those that paint a whole new picture. Hologram is in that latter category, producing wild, synthetic effects that totally transform an input. Hologram by Sinevibes from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Peter Kirn - September 8, 2015

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