It’s free, it’s fast, it’s fun, it’s bop for the free Pure Data Vanilla. It runs on old computers. It runs on Raspberry Pi. “You probably don’t have any use for bop,” its developer says humbly – but wait, with everything from text sequencing to reverbs to esoteric musical notation, this looks great!
Read moreNever underestimate the power of simple synthesis tricks, least of all in the hands of vintage Casio designers. The distinctive “frog” bass croak in Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” recorded in 1982, comes from a Casiotone MT-60. And it’s a sound you can patch up yourself.
“Father of Circuit Bending” Reed Ghazala isn’t done transforming musical bending techniques. For starters, there’s this magnetic-patch, chip-talk, chance-based aleatron reincarnation of a Casio keyboard – now with plasma-based radiation. You know, like the energy weapons in sci-fi films. Oh, and a glass eyeball and underlighting.
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