Expressive playing with MPE, demystified

MPE, MIDI Polyphonic Expression, can make playing digital instruments expressive in ways we’ve desired for decades. It’s just down to understanding everything you can do – and composer Josh Madoff has a fantastic tutorial and Osmose demos that make this technology more accessible to anyone.

Ryuichi Sakamoto was always a leap ahead: sounds, machines, outpouring of remembrances

From music to technology, fashion to performance, few artists can reveal a future to so many people as Ryuichi Sakamoto did in his work. The world he touched learned of his death today.

David Abravanel - April 2, 2023

Sakamoto and Alva Noto again create electronics, scoring masterpiece

I suspect many electronic music aficianados have the soundtrack for the film The Revenant on repeat who haven’t even seen the film. Any new Alva Noto/Ryuichi Sakamoto collaboration will get the attention of lovers of minimal electronic achievement, with good reason. And The Revenant might just be the perfect landscape for that collaboration. Its marathon […]

Peter Kirn - February 4, 2016

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