Harder software: Reason Rack Extensions, in actual hardware racks

Once upon a time, Propellerhead ran an ad showing a bunch of hardware synths in a trash bin to make a point. This time, we get the opposite – a KORG Polysix for Reason running back in hardware. By now, these arguments about analog versus digital, software versus hardware are all surely irrelevant to music […]

Hardware VST? Steinberg Retrologue plug-in gets physical version

There’s plug-ins, and then there’s hardware. Well, just in time for Superbooth, here’s a hardware plug-in, from Steinberg – really.

Peter Kirn - May 7, 2019

This low-latency OS could change how music gear is made

You want the flexibility of PC software, but the performance of standalone gear? A new music OS is the latest effort to promise the best of both worlds.

Peter Kirn - January 30, 2018

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