Techno symphonies: Watch Carl Craig make synthesis an ensemble art

Detroit’s founders of techno aren’t just cashing in on their old hits; they continue to lead the form in new directions. And watching Carl Craig, you can learn a lot about the potential of electronic music in scores and ensembles.

What do you play? Berklee adds electronic digital instrument program

Musicians have majored in trumpets and voice, conducting and reeds. Now, they can choose the “electronic digital instrument” at Berklee College of Music, as music education works to redefine itself in the post-digital age.

Peter Kirn - August 1, 2018

Deadbeat’s secret sauce Reaktor picks for “weirdo” production

It’s time for another trip into the strange and wonderful world of artist-created Reaktor ensembles. This time, our guide is dub techno maestro Deadbeat.

Peter Kirn - April 30, 2018

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