Quick tutorials: Perlin Generator and LUTs in Resolume Wire

Let’s get irrationally excited about a Perlin noise-generating node in Wire, the visual patching environment inside live VJ software Resolume. All that, Resolume 7.22, and just a lot of noise:

Videosync 1.3: visual tool for Ableton Live adds Voronoi, shader browsing, more

Videosync 1.3 has landed. One of the better tools for integrating visuals seamlessly with Ableton Live, this version adds a new, unique method for generating and manipulating images, easy browsing of shaders for added visual effect inspiration, an intuitive new graphical Transform, and more. And there’s a Summer Sale on this week.

Peter Kirn - September 6, 2023

SynapseRack is a customizable, patchable PC VJ tool made in Unity

This is the way: SynapseRack is a fully customizable, layer-based live visual tool, complete with modular nodes and HAP and MIDI support. Now in beta, it costs ¥12,000 for a full version – just over US$80 – plus a very workable free version with no watermarks.

Peter Kirn - August 11, 2023

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