It’s free, it’s fast, it’s fun, it’s bop for the free Pure Data Vanilla. It runs on old computers. It runs on Raspberry Pi. “You probably don’t have any use for bop,” its developer says humbly – but wait, with everything from text sequencing to reverbs to esoteric musical notation, this looks great!
Read moreWe live in extraordinary times—times when the Internet has driven innovation and shared culture to previously unknown levels. And as with extreme performance in pro sports, we’re now treated to harmonization of the most tone-deaf renditions of the USA’s national anthem that are reimagining tonal harmony.
Hotrod your Ableton Live sessions with still more Max for Live freebies. From J74 aka Fabrizio Poce comes a chord generator, phase vocoder, and stereo chorus for free, plus a lot more updates if you spend a few bucks on the packs.
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