RIP Dax Pierson, Árni Grétar Jóhannesson aka Futuregrapher

We’re barely into the new year, but already, we’ve got two untimely passings that leave significant holes in the world of electronic music: Dax Pierson and Árni Grétar Jóhannesson.

Lower your blood pressure, raise your vibration: eu-IV’s tape beats

Dark days need sounds like eu-IV – “you-four,” as in euphoria. The prolific Baltimore-based producer cut his teeth backing rappers, and now his ultra-chilled beat-tape music has an ease and honesty that you’ll feel right in the heart.

Peter Kirn - January 22, 2024

Trace the Black roots of disco, house, and techno in videos and reading – summer school is in

What a week – the Juneteenth commemoration in the US, Chicago house music interest trending as it’s repurposed for new big-name pop, and the death of disco legend Patrick Adams. Every day is a good day to know your roots, so let’s do this.

Peter Kirn - June 23, 2022

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