Spike Jonze meeting Björk, in a free zine with photos and … wontons

Turn the clock back to 1995. It’s the era of Bjork’s “It’s Oh So Quiet.” Detour Magazine asks Spike Jonez to photograph Björk, and he’s as smitten as all of us with her creative imagination. Now we get to see still more photos of that day, plus words and a complete chifa wonton recipe – for free.

Fire mix from Janus Rose, full of unreleased music: latest POST

Brooklyn’s incredible artist and writer Janus Rose recently came on Refuge Worldwide in Berlin for my ongoing program POST, and this is one mix you don’t want to mix. It’s one of those times you want to creep/trainspot over the CDJ display on every single track, and a lot of it is forthcoming music so – you heard it here first.

Peter Kirn - December 1, 2023

From the Beirut Synthesizer Center and Bana Haffar, a free introduction to modular synthesis

It’s your chance to get a window into where modular synthesis can begin – and virtually travel to Beirut, Lebanon for the experience – Thursday July 22 at 10AM Pacific / 7PM Central Europe.

Peter Kirn - July 21, 2021

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