Our MeeBlip geode Nightshade Edition has popped up in some of your hands. It’s time for another round-up of MeeBlip music! (And there are still a handful of geodes left, if you’re quick.)
Read moreApplied Acoustics Systems’ Multiphonics CV-2 can be like having a carefully curated hardware modular rig on your computer – uniquely balanced, doing less with more. AAS has a new free pack showing off those capabilities, launching with a live jam and a bunch of discounts.
The Playdate looks at first like a curiosity – a black-and-white pocket game system with a crank, from Teenage Engineering and Panic. But now as it starts to get into the world, it’s proving itself as a beautiful mobile instrument, especially with developer Orllewin making everything from samplers to effects pedals and recorders.
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