Bliss out with Palette Sequencer, generative Max for Live Device

Palette Sequencer by the duo KOAN Sound uses color palettes to generate sequences for melodies and modulation. It’s gorgeously designed and available now for Ableton Live and Max for Live.

Andrea Cichecki’s live “In Nature” series brings modular into open air

There’s no reason synthesizers have to always appear in dingy industrial spaces – love those spaces as we do. Musician Andrea Chichecki has just completed the release of a three-part outdoor series of live performances on modular, and you can expect the same feeling of calm you might get from going along yourself.

Peter Kirn - September 20, 2024

Free Mintropolis EP Kirn & Meindl this weekend; modular and techno

Florian Meindl and I have been working on new stuff with FLASH Recordings – when we’re not going deep into the gear. And to celebrate our ongoing collab, we have an EP out for free on Bandcamp this weekend only.

Peter Kirn - August 25, 2024

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