Like a studio onstage: Orbital tells us their live rig synth secrets

It’s a dazzling audiovisual show, with eye-popping visuals, plus an overflowing connection of synths. Orbital share their secrets for live performance and jamming with CDM’s David Abravanel.

Techno symphonies: Watch Carl Craig make synthesis an ensemble art

Detroit’s founders of techno aren’t just cashing in on their old hits; they continue to lead the form in new directions. And watching Carl Craig, you can learn a lot about the potential of electronic music in scores and ensembles.

Peter Kirn - August 20, 2018

Arturia’s MiniBrute gets a sequel, and now it’s mini modular

Arturia reveals the follow-up to edgy, distinctive little MiniBrute monosynth keyboard. This time, they’ve fit a tiny patch bay to make it semi-modular.

Peter Kirn - January 15, 2018

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