Intermorphic gives us a visual history of their involvement in Generative music over almost 30 years

Intermorphic gives us a visual history of their involvement in Generative music spanning almost 30 years and including Koan, miniMIXA, Noatikl, Mixtikl, and Wotja

Intermorphic work their generative magic once more with the latest iteration of Wotja

Intermorphic release generative app Wotja version 5 which is effectively the consolidation and evolution of Noatikl, Mixtikl, Liptikl, Tiklbox & SSEYO Koan

Ashley Elsdon - January 1, 2018

Intermorphic Mixtikl Arrives: Mobile and Desktop Generative, Creative Music Suite

Oh, yeah. It’s deep. To keep a cool head, perhaps put on "Music for Airports" on loop while you read through the tutorials. Musicians and composers have long dreamt of computers and mobiles playing music that changes on its own, rather than playing static, pre-determined scores. But to actually pull it off, you need a […]

- December 23, 2008

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