Train AI on images, and GET3D populates your world with 3D objects and characters

The latest from NVIDIA Research is an AI-powered machine that spits out 3D models – in standard formats. Code is inbound shortly. And that opens up some possibilities for virtual worlds, especially for solo artists.

Find zen-like calm with these perfect miniature synthesizer videos

We all need a way to center, a way to lower our blood pressure and cure insomnia. Forget ASMR or videos of ocean waves or whatever. Just watch these mesmerizing videos of tiny, tiny, tiny accurate models of classic synthesizers.

Peter Kirn - January 6, 2021

The 1955 Fender Tweed amp now lives in software

The art of modeling at a handful of the best software shops continues to progress. And so it is that Universal Audio say they’ve simulated every tiny detail, “from speaker paper and heat dissipation, to filter caps and transformers,” of one of the world’s best-known amplifiers – the Fender Tweed. It’s the cranked sound of […]

Peter Kirn - May 4, 2016

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