Free Manifest Audio Percotone is a delicious percussive monosynth

Noah Pred has a fantastic free treat out on Manifest Audio for Ableton Live and Max for Live. Percotone is monophonic, expressive, playable, and full of tonal, pitch-mangling delights. It’s just the thing for sneaking in some quick sound experiments in the waning days of the year.

Free monosynth BLEASS Monolit for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad

It’s free, lightweight, simple, and clean – but make no mistake. Monolit can get big with sound, with FM, massive unison up to 7 voices, filter drive, and plenty of modulation.

Peter Kirn - June 21, 2022

Celebrate MeeB-leap Day weekend with these great synth vids – or make your own

One extra day in the calendar is clearly a reason to spend one extra day playing with synths and making and sharing music. So we’ve decided to get MeeBlip in on that.

Peter Kirn - February 28, 2020

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