Ableton Live’s improvisatory clip- and device-based interface make the software feel like it could be as natural for visuals as it is for sound. But EboSuite 2.0’s plug-ins – some 54 of them – are the first that make the “V” side as complete as “A.”
Read moreIn the interest of security and privacy, Apple on macOS Monterey has added a prominent orange dot to display outputs when audio capture is active. That renders their machines unusable for live visual performance, though, since it’s also shown on external displays. Dear macOS team – we urgently need a fix here.
Apple’s WWDC keynote kicked off yesterday with an event mostly focused on consumer features for WatchOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and home. That means you might have missed a lot of the advanced creative features, graphics, and developer tools buried in the fine print.
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