AAS Multiphonics CV-3 modular review: an expressive and sonic landmark

AAS Multiphonics CV-3 realizes the potential of this modular software as a synthesis and physical modeling powerhouse. It’s the biggest update to date, with 3-op FM, new physical modeling components, effects, and sound tools. And it’s polyphonic and expressive, with full support for 8-voice polyphony and glides and expression with MPE.

AAS Multiphonics CV-2 now follows dynamics, pitch from inputs

Applied Acoustics Systems’ software modular, Multiphonics CV-2, just got a big update with the ability to follow an input’s dynamic level and pitch, plus new modules for pitch shifting and working with control voltage math.

Peter Kirn - April 25, 2024

Multiphonics CV-2 goes waveshaping: what’s in the AAS modular’s 2.1 update

AAS’ Multiphonics CV-2 modular is great; what we want now is more modules. And AAS is delivering, with five new modules for your West Coast, waveshaping, signal sculpting and mangling pleasure. Five may not sound like a lot, but you can do a lot with a couple of these. Here’s a look at what AAS have added in CV-2 version 2.1.

Peter Kirn - August 4, 2023

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