Gamepad Control for Ableton Live unlocks gamepads for music

Those Switch Pro, PlayStation4, PlayStation5, and Xbox Xs controllers are just sitting there, waiting to be used as a music input, right? Enter Gamepad Control, the latest Max for Live invention.

TouchOSC controller does iOS, Android, desktop, gamepads – and keeps getting better

Same as it ever was: if you want a touch controller, or a mobile controller of your own design, the easy default answer is simple. It’s TouchOSC. And today’s little bump-update is a good time to talk about it again.

Stop what you’re doing to listen game music going very wrong and very polytonal

2021 needs an anthem, and clearly, it’s bitonal Nintendo Switch paused game racing music in chaotic dissonance. “Nothing’s gonna stop me now.”

Peter Kirn - April 16, 2021

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