Paul Schreiber (Tandy, Moog MG-1, Synthesis Technology) remembered

The synthesis community is sharing an outpouring of remembrances following the loss of Paul Schreiber, creator of the MOTM synthesizer, Synthesis Technology, co-designer of the Realistic Concertmate MG-1, and more. He was not just an inspiration but a friend to many in the synth world.

RIP Seiki Kato, KORG President lead 80s product innovations, KORG USA

We’re all deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Seiki Kato, who across multiple decades at KORG lead the teams that helped define what the modern company is today. He was 67.

Peter Kirn - February 28, 2025

RIP Dax Pierson, Árni Grétar Jóhannesson aka Futuregrapher

We’re barely into the new year, but already, we’ve got two untimely passings that leave significant holes in the world of electronic music: Dax Pierson and Árni Grétar Jóhannesson.

David Abravanel - January 6, 2025

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