Max 9 is available today, bringing benefits for casual tinkerers and hardcore devs alike. There’s more code, more performance, more livecoding, more visual powers, and – one more thing: you get the building blocks Ableton uses for sound.
Read moreIsadora, the node-based, open-ended live performance and media tool especially loved by theater and dance, gets a major update this summer. There’s a lot in there, but the biggest is something called IzzyCast, a remote functionality that lets you run any video, audio, and data in full resolution around the world. Here’s what’s new in Izzy 4.
From the creator of TouchOSC, Protokol is a perfect tool for monitoring MIDI, Open Sound Control (OSC), and gamepads – with more on the way. And not only is it free, but it runs on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, desktop and mobile. Build 105 gets some nice updates, and it’s a good excuse to remind you of this utility.
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