It’s been a long time since the PPG name graced hardware. That brand and its founder, Wolfgang Palm, laid the foundation for decades of wavetable synthesis. Now the PPG name is back via an officially authorized collaboration with Liquid Sky d-vices and Cornel Hecht (Hell Modular) – and authentic Wave 2 sounds are arriving in Eurorack.
Read moreOneiroi from Befaco is a mythical variety chocolate box where every flavor is delicious. It’s an experimental slash drone slash sound design treasure box. And now it’s in VCV Rack.
Imagine having access to a full original Moog modular system. Now imagine you could run the whole thing for free – and it won’t take up a wall of your home. has brought its MU East Coast-inspired modular to VCV Rack as freeware. It’s also a great place to begin with software modular synthesis.
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