In flickering feedback, an audiovisual synth hums and sings

Krzysztof Cybulski’s Kamer/Ton takes everything you love about video feedback loops and combines them with everything you love about zero-input sound feedback loops, in a flickering and vibrating audiovisual instrument.

Three speculative designs on white pedestals with a white background. A quipu-powered drum machine with knotted pieces of rope, a viola da gamba with a hollow body and amplification, and a skull-and-bone horn.

Imagining an alternate history of music instruments, quipu to skulls

What if Neanderthal music had evolved alongside human sounds, or if Andean quipus shaped computer music, or if Les Paul had played the viola da gamba? Polish design house panGenerator gives us a look.

Peter Kirn - November 20, 2024

The Wall of Sound reimagines a sampler-sequencer for public space and use

In an oversized, lo-fi electronic sound instrument, the project from Warszawa, PL’s panGenerator lets the public collaborate on sonic graffiti.

Peter Kirn - February 10, 2020

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