One of the big features of Ableton Push is its standalone mode and upgradeability, enabled by the Intel-developed NUC platform. Over the summer, Intel discontinued that platform, raising some questions about where NUC was headed. Now, with Asus officially taking over NUC, here’s a look at the platform and what it could mean for Push 3’s future, with Ableton’s head of hardware weighing in.
Read moreAbleton Live Auto-Warp now finally works the way you wanted it to work. Not Warp and Pray, not Warp and Spend Some Minutes or Hours Fixing the Warp Markers – like, automatic Auto-Warp, in 11.3.10 building on 11.3.x’s changes. There are other enhancements in here, too, for both Live and the new Push. Let’s break it down.
Don’t settle. These Max for Live creations can open up tons of extra ways of working with Ableton Live, including the deep Push customization you’ve always wanted.
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