Move, the all-new compact all-in-one hardware platform from Ableton, got your attention – whether you loved it, hated it, or just weren’t sure. So here’s still more detail on Move: what it can do, what it can’t, how it compares, and some tips and hacks for getting more out of it even at v1.1.
Read moreRoland’s latest handheld boutique synth is a departure. Instead of a synth or drum machine, it was inspired by the SP-404. Here’s the skinny on its onboard sampling, effect, and sequencer features, direct from the source.
From the creator of Strokes, Stacks is a unique 4-voice wavetable morphing polysynth combined with a 4-track granular looper. But that description doesn’t really do it justice: modeling and digital grunge combine to make a raunchy instrument that behaves like an experimental studio.
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