Spinning scales, melodies, intervals, custom tunings with Eventide’s Misha module

I’m super serial! Eventide has a new sequencer for creating modular melodies and intervals – and it started with twelve-tone rows as its inspiration. With audio, CV, and waveform out, it could be a merry melodic source for a modular setup. There’s a ton in here. It could be an answer to the idea that […]

Fugue machine is how Bach would have made a sequencer

I have two words for you: multiple playheads. Oh sure, you’ve got your piano rolls and your step sequencers and your arpeggiators. But can you roll like Johann Sebastian (or Arnold… as in Schoenberg)? Can you take a single melody, and make more complex patterns by echoing them, turning them upside down? That’s the idea […]

Peter Kirn - October 9, 2015

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