SØS Gunver Ryberg vs DEFASTEN, Mirrored Madness and interconnected listening

Danish artist SØS Gunver Ryberg’s SPINE was an early highlight of this year – a richly-textured world of interconnected sensorial experience. She’s now building audiovisual immersion around that work, and Defasten’s visual imagination makes the pitch-perfect complement to the release’s gently-flowing synthetic dreamworlds.

Inside, Limbo game follow-up, music by SØS Gunver Ryberg

For lovers of shadows, dark dimensions spent wandering other states of being, and unrelenting rhythms, Danish composer/musician SØS Gunver Ryberg produces wonderlands. And that makes her music a perfect match for the game weavers of Playdead. Their follow-up to spine-chillingly creepy-good Limbo is this summer’s Inside. It does what’s so hard to do for this […]

Peter Kirn - August 4, 2016

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