AAS Multiphonics CV-3 realizes the potential of this modular software as a synthesis and physical modeling powerhouse. It’s the biggest update to date, with 3-op FM, new physical modeling components, effects, and sound tools. And it’s polyphonic and expressive, with full support for 8-voice polyphony and glides and expression with MPE.
Read moreFor all the potential for app overload, sometimes what makes the iPad powerful is that one killer app. And MorphWiz 2, with sample analysis, an arpeggiator, and new modulation, filter, envelope, and effects sections, could be that killer app for synthesis and sound design. It’s a spectral morphing powerhouse.
Augmented Mallets Play, showing graphics of mallet instruments (one real, one synthetic), and parameter knobs arrayed around a central morph knob.
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