Moog’s Sirin is a limited Taurus-based synth that sings high, too

They’re calling it the “analog messenger of joy.” Moog Music’s latest synth is an extremely limited run – and it turns the Taurus bass engine into an instrument you can play in any range. Meet Sirin:

Get lost in the mesmerizing music video, improvs of this duo

Sometimes, you just need to imagine yourself as being made of boulders, on a mental trip that has you wandering a surreal landscape.

Peter Kirn - February 26, 2018

$679 Minitaur: A Moog Analog Monosynth for the Rest of Us, Soon (Photos, Video, Flame Bait!)

Look past the plug-ins and controllers and hosts that work with controllers and iPads sitting in docks and such. If you like dedicated, analog monosynth hardware, life is actually pretty darned good. Okay, so for those of you without deep pockets, you may not know some of the back story here. Moog’s limited-edition Taurus 3 […]

Peter Kirn - January 5, 2012

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