ISF’s visual magic for Metal and macOS is now open source

Interactive Shader Format (ISF) code for working with Metal and rendering on macOS, plus an underlying Metal framework that powers live visual app VDMX6, are now free and open source. That’s great news even if you’re just toying around with shaders or working with visuals, as it opens up lots of possibilities to come.

Videosync 1.4 adds Gradient, Color Mixer to Ableton Live AV tool

Videosync, the tool that brings video and visual tools to Ableton Live on macOS, gets a nice update to close out the year. Get your gradient on and mix colors in video as easily as you would tweak a synth or effect.

Peter Kirn - December 21, 2023

Videosync 1.3: visual tool for Ableton Live adds Voronoi, shader browsing, more

Videosync 1.3 has landed. One of the better tools for integrating visuals seamlessly with Ableton Live, this version adds a new, unique method for generating and manipulating images, easy browsing of shaders for added visual effect inspiration, an intuitive new graphical Transform, and more. And there’s a Summer Sale on this week.

Peter Kirn - September 6, 2023

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