It’s not every day you get to see this lineup – Moog Music meets the Bob Moog Foundation with Michelle Moog-Koussa, Lisa Bella Donna, Suzanne Ciani, Brian Kehew, Steve Dunnington, King Britt, and Rory Kaplan. Moog just posted the video from NAMM last month. And speaking of the Moog Foundation, they’ve also got a big raffle going – and, surprise, it’s for an Oberheim synth, not a Moog.
Read moreNeed to chill out? How about two-plus hours of Brian Eno music generated in 1996, running on Windows 3.11?
The Alan Parsons/Keith Adkins handmade, one-of-a-kind Frequency Translator was a key component of The Dark Side of the Moon. And its sound has been hard to describe, let alone recreate – until now. PSP Audioware worked with the one and only Alan Parsons to model it in plug-in form in a personal passion project they’re releasing as PSP Wobbler.
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