
Music software developers usually tell you about compatibility well after an OS is out, or at least the day it comes out. Steinberg is already releasing information about OS X Yosemite, the new Mac operating system, before it’s even out. And they may be well-advised to do so, with Apple for the first time allowing the public to test the latest OS.

The current installer for all Steinberg software breaks under OS X 10.10 Yosemite, the in-beta software. There’s already a fix on the support site, though:
Steinberg Application Installer Tool for Yosemite

Download this tool and you’re sorted.

I’m curious, anyone brave enough to be testing Yosemite now?

I’ve just this month upgraded to 10.9. After some installation hiccups, the install has been great – though this again confirms my theory of “stay about one year behind the latest OS.” (Also, it seems you will want a newer machine with SSD to use some recent software on the Mac side, generally.)

Let us know in comments – developers and users alike.

Photo courtesy Apple.

Note: We’re already hearing some issues with Ableton, mentioned on their forum. This is pre-release operating system software, however. Generally, our advice holds: don’t install any new OS – even a shipping one – until you’ve verified compatibility with critical software, and made a backup to which you can easily revert. With pre-release software, it goes even further: expect bugs. Install only if you have a spare machine and enjoy troubleshooting, and report what you find.