I’m not sure which is better, musically slapping your synth, or the comments as Sequential reveals this demo of … smacking the spring reverb tank. Watch:

As Dara puts it: “I used to kick my Hammond T5 all the time, but smacking your synth just looks silly.”

Sequential are apparently not worried that you’ll wind up jostling something loose since they released this video, but – slap gently. Lovingly.

Or as David Bowie would say, slap that baby.

OB-6 product page at Sequential

Speaking of Easter Eggs, one of the Moog engineers put … something … inside the Moog One. It’s evidently some kind of video game. But I don’t think you can just slap the Moog for this. (Well, you know, digital.)

Synth lovers, any other tips, tricks, secrets, or Easter eggs – let us know. Well, if you want to give it away, anyway.