Chris at Pixelsumo points out that tonight on Resonance FM, London’s 24-hour art radio station, OpenLab is hosting a program on using free and open source software tools for music. Sounds like chat, discussion, and some live sets. 7 PM London time, but of course they’ve got MP3 and Real Audio streams, too, because the sun never sets on the British art music empire. I’ll try to record it, so if you happen to miss it and want to hear it, contact me and I’ll hook you up.

Listen to the show online

OpenLab info (London)

What’s OpenLab you ask? It’s a London-based collective of people using open source software for their art, complete with IRC chat, mailing list, workshops, and in-person get-togethers. Even if you’re not in London, some interesting ideas there about how to put together such a group. (See also: Share, the laptop music collective here in NYC. Other groups?)