The Vixid flagship hardware in use, as a neglected Edirol V4 looks on. Photo (CC-BY) Jaymis Loveday.
What should a hardware mixer for real creative applications, live performance, and VJing look like? Vixid’s Vincent Julien answers that question in the latest video interview from our friends at lvx.tv. He talks mainly about his philosophy and why this hardware went the direction it did. But he also reveals what the next generation might incorporate, including multi-head output for panoramic displays and mapping.
Beyond that, the person who can decide what Vixid’s next hardware should be is you. Today, Vixid announced a call for input on what you want from their next mixer:
This form allows you to tell us what you think the next VIXID video mixer should be. Creator of video solution based in Paris, VIXID is working hard on this new product since a while. This questionnaire gives you the opportunity to tell your needs so that our next generation video mixer meets your expectations.
New VIXID video mixer – Give us your comments
Here’s a look at that interview:
Vincent Julien about the creative audiovisual mixer VIXID from LVX.TV Institute for Live-Video on Vimeo.