You’ve got your acid basslines. Then, you’ve got your acid trips involving a bass synth. Roikat takes us in the direction of the latter.

Creatures dance around urban streets. AI deep dream wildlife stares at you on title cards. Worms amiably amble from car doors and make their way onto the amplitude knobs.

And there are cats. Of course there are cats.

It’s all adorable stop motion with the raw sounds of our MeeBlip synth and no, I really didn’t have any idea this was going to happen until I spotted it on YouTube. Roikat is evidently both animator and MeeBlip composer. The combination is brilliant. I’d go for a whole show.

Your sound demos will never be the same. Behold:

Of course, perhaps the wildest of all is this … ultrasonic demo?! (Watch it drive your cats crazy.)

Plus there was a Halloween jam some time back

Whoever you are, Roikat, you’re crazy and a genius. Looking forward to more synth vids and those promised presets for Dave Smith – we’ll share them here!

The MeeBlip in question here is anode series, but our triode is closely related to the anodes – and it’s on a Black Friday sale now with a lower price and all the cables you need included:

MeeBlip triode [shop]