I know you’ve been there. Somehow, even with a small assortment of gear, you find that you have exactly the wrong combination of plugs.

It’s actually even worse if you’ve bought into the inexpensive mobile music revolution. iPads are chock full of apps; little boxes like the KORG volcas can be great fun. But… the iPads don’t have any ports, and compact devices (including our own MeeBlip) often have just MIDI in to save space. And then there’s trying to clock everything.

That’s why I’m really excited by the promise of the iConnectAUDIO4+. (And I know from feedback, I’m not alone.) It’s an audio interface for one computer. It’s also an audio interface for two computers. It works with your iOS stuff. It does MIDI. It does USB hosting for all those gizmos that lack MIDI ports. And it’s still a multichannel audio interface with mic pres and four outputs – while remaining nicely portable. (Too many audio interfaces are limited to two outs.)

In fact, it does so much, that the review I’m working on won’t be done until next week. In the meantime, though, our friend Chris Stack of Experimental Synth has posted a lovely walk-through video.

What’s nice about this is that this gadget really did help Chris finish his record. And that’s something that resonates with me. When you’re struggling to find creative flow, the worst thing is having to stop because you realize you can’t actually plug something in.

Here’s what he writes:

I just finished my first album and am starting on the next. I just got an iConnectAUDIO4+ and it has become the “everything hub” of my studio, connecting computers and iOS devices, high-res audio, MIDI, USB, 5-pin MIDI, mics, instruments, speakers, headphones and more. The mic preamps sound great, iPad audio fed digitally into Logic and Ableton is pristine. The iConnectAUDIO4+ has really streamlined my music production workflow. The iConnectMIDI2+ made a lot of my first album possible and it looks like the iConnectAUDIO4+ is going to take my next album even farther.



Find Chris’ (lovely) album at:


And learn about the product at:
