Pick up a European electronic music magazine and you can hit a jackbot of free software. Sometimes that’s limited to free samples, but sometimes you get some cool stuff you couldn’t otherwise. (For those of you outside Europe, they do make it to newsstands, albeit at an inflated price; I can usually find them at independent newsstands here in Manhattan.)

Case in point:

Found in comments, Keys (Germany) will have the full version of the fantastic electric piano plug-in, Lounge Lizard Session. Look for the issue out today, June 2.

Meanwhile, plug-in developer Chris Randall (of Audio Damage) reports on his blog that Computer Music (UK) will have a free copy of Pulse Modulator in CM issue #102. (While you’re there, check the front section for my monthly Create Digital Music Downsampled column.) What’s Pulse Modulator, you ask? Why, it’s a tremolo with three LFOs and distortion. In other words, it is goodness, in software form. Better yet, if you miss issue 102, subsequent issues will have this plug-in, too, as part of CM’s excellent free studio that comes with the magazine. I’ll let you know when I get my hands on it.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on the inspiration for the Pulse Modulator plug-in, the original Electro-Harmonix hardware, conveniently posed and ready for makeover in the slick on-screen visual format Audio Damage has used on their recent plugs. Shown above.