Update: The Mogulus server seems to have been slammed today, and streams are running 5 minutes out of sync. So we’ll try this again another time when the free world hasn’t recently appointed a new leader…

Politics isn’t part of what we do here at CDM, or what I do here in Brisbane, but a new leader of the free world is a reasonably big event, so I’ve allowed myself to be roped in to playing a set for the conclusion of the Canada For Obama streaming web party tonight!

Rainer, Jaymis, Rowland - setting up NetLag
Streaming: No it doesn’t really require this much gear

The party will be mediated through (wait for it), Mogulus, and is organized by McLean Mashingaidze-Greaves, or “that geeky black guy” of Nimble.TV, who I hooked up with at X|Media|Lab Melbourne.

So, two hours from now I’ll be live in the Canada For Obama channel.

After this set, CDM will be running a parallel gig on our own Mogulus Channel. I had such a blast with the NetLag night, and so many audience members expressed an interest in partaking in future events, I’ve decided that an election party is the perfect excuse to give it another spin.

So, being short notice, I’m happy to keep this relaxed and free-form. Think of it like a streaming open-mic night for visualists and audiologists, a chance to give this streaming thing a spin. I’ll be around the CDM mogulus channel for most of today, and we’ll have rolling 30 minute sets from whoever is around and keen. If you’d like to take part come and say hello, send me an email, and we’ll get you hooked up. If you’re an AV artist or crew, great! Show us what you’ve got. If you’re a visualist, put on some tunes and take us for a spin through what you’re working on. Musicians? Turn your webcam on a lava lamp, or go Elija B Torn style with a web- or DV-cam.

Update: Not happening today as the Mogulus server isn’t playing nice, but if you’d like to be part of a future CDM Open Jam get in touch anyway.