shift v.2, audiovisual installation at Museet for Samtidskunst from hc gilje on Vimeo.

HC Gilje sends along Shift, an “audiovisual landscape that combines multichannel sequencing, audio generated by video, and mapping/masking projection onto physical objects.” In short, big blocks become a sonic, visual sequencer through digital audio and projection. It’s really evocative to me, and part of what we’re talking about as we talk about the potential of mapped projections. (I hope that, for you as for me, it starts to make you think of other possibilities with these kind of media.)

HC’s research is “conversation with spaces,” and that’s fitting — after being caught doing visuals without real sound, or stuck in a “flatland” of our own making that’s in two-dimensional projection, visualists can now enter space.

From his research blog (which has lots of other interesting philosophical reflections, as well):

I decided to give my current series of relief projections a name, shift: moving from one place to another, changing the emphasis, direction or focus of something. It also has a loose relation to the idea of shapeshifting. As mentioned in my previous posts about my relief projection projects, shift combines multichannel sequencing, audio generated from video, with masking/mapping a projection to fit physical objects. This creates a dynamic audiovisual landscape, a spatial light painting. The software to create the installation has developed over almost two years and some workshops, and I have shown documentation of the development, but never exhibited it as a final work. It is only this autumn that I have found the right opportunity to show it in an exhibition. I was invited to participate in the Total Aktion exhibition at Museet for Samtidskunst in Roskilde, Denmark. I had the opportunity to exhibit there in 2005 as part of Get Real, a exhibition with real-time art as the focus (which was also shown at Kiasma in Helsinki, Finland). It also resulted in the book where I wrote the essay “Within the space of a moment”.

Shift became a sort of drone installation, with slow light/colour changes of volume, sometimes cut off by sharp white planes. The video documentation is a cut version showing some of the different scenes. Here is a slide show of still images.

shift v2: relief projection installation

Keep sending this stuff in — your own work or others’ — as we hope to have a round-up soon.

The Projection Tool

HC is doing this work in a tool he’s building in Max/MSP/Jitter, which he’s made available for Mac and Windows. It’s “a multi-videoplane software for masking video projections and position layers on specific objects and surfaces.” Documentation and downloads:

Video projection tools

That makes me wonder, we’ve seen some vvvv and now Jitter — has anyone built a similar sort of patch/tool in Pd/GEM? (I would imagine so, whether or not they’ve made it available being a separate question.)

Fantastic work, HC!